Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another kitchen disaster

Remember my last kitchen disaster? Yes, the one with the bread and shattered pyrex pan? The one that ended with a new calling from the Bishop? Well I had another kitchen disaster yesterday- but without a new calling.
It really was a much smaller kitchen disaster. But it was messy!
Want to know what I was trying to make? Rice Krispie Treats. Rice Krispie Treats! Sheesh! If I can't make those by now without having a kitchen disaster what good am I?
The main problem was using a container that was too small for the marshmallows. As they cooked in the microwave they puffed up and expanded and literally crawled out of the container and onto the outsides of the container and all over the microwave. What a mess! I had stickiness EVERYWHERE! But I still needed to finish the project. So I has strings of marshmallow stretching from the container to the spatula I was using to try to remedy the situation. Then sticky strings from the spatula to my hands. Then from the container to the countertop. The problem just kept on growing. Total Mess!
I felt as though I was stuck in the Dr. Seuss book, "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back". You know where the Cat in the Hat returns with little cats A-Z? They create a lot of havoc and end up with a pink bathrub ring that can't be cleaned up or gotten rid of.

After some concerted effort I did eventually get all evidence of the marshmallow explosion cleaned up and totally eliminated - (I hope). I'll also have you know that I did finish the Rice Krispie Treats. So this episode of Kitchen Disaster also concludes with a most delicious ending.

1 comment:

Lckevan said...

Yikes! Marshmallows can create a big mess. Those things can get so big! Glad you got it all cleaned up!