One day we saw 2 quail walking along the top of our fence.
I only got a picture one quail -
with topknot perfectly groomed and in place.
Cute. I love that bird!

These are my original shots
of the Baltimore Oriole
that keeps coming to our hummingbird feeder.
I guess when you are desperate for water -
even sugar water is better than none.
I love this bird.

Just showing you how my tomato plants are looking.
Pretty healthy! Right?
Tall, green, giving us yummy tomatoes.
We'll forget that the leaves are curling as long as they give us tomatoes.

I'm not even trying to make the plants look tall.
See me standing on the bricks?
Also notice that we are boat owners - see the boat?
We've had it for almost 2 years.
Guess how many times we have been on the water with it?
You'd be right if you said - NEVER.
We need some sailing lessons and some free time (what is that?).
Then we'll be "sailing sailing over ocean blue".
Now I come to the Hate part of my relationship with birds.
Very rarely do I mention "hate" and "bird" in the same sentence.
But I do hate it when my bird friends do this to my tomatoes:
The birds have finally figured out that they love my tomatoes too.
So I had to pick all my red or reddish tomatoes so they didn't suffer the same demise.
Maybe they aren't quite as ripe - but I'm not making it easy for the birds to share these with me.
But if you don't have feathers or a beak -
you, my friends, are invited over to share these orbs of garden delight.