Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I am at Lindsey's house for a visit.  They have had a couple visitors recently.  First it was me.  I arrived on Friday.  They picked me up and we went to temple square to enjoy the Christmas Lights.  Starting Saturday sickness has arrived.  Sadie was sick all day Saturday - drippy nose, cough, no appetite, etc.  She just laid around and felt miserable.  Sunday she seemed to be feeling a little better so we went to Sacrament Meeting.  After that I came home with Sadie so she didn't spread any germs with her friends.  She did eat a little bit.  But Monday morning brought the barfs.  Poor Sadie.  She was wheezing and coughing and barfing, just miserable.  Luckily Lindsey was equipped with some albuterol and could give her breathing treatments.  But by the afternoon she had perked up and was eating and playing and pretty much back to normal.  But we had another visitor last night.  It was the croup.  Zac scared everyone by crying and barking and it seemed he was having a hard time breathing in. So Lindsey steamed up the bathroom while Rob looked up some information online.  Yep, he concurred that the diagnosis was probably the croup.  So after calming  Zac down they tried to give him a breathing treatment as well.  We don't think he breathed in through his mouth one time - but he stayed calm and maybe the exiting mist wafted into his airways through his nose?  We aren't sure.  

So yes, the Kevans have had visitors.  Some wanted.  Some unwanted.  Hopefully they can get rid of the unwanted visitors very soon!  

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

I am so sorry to hear of the sickness. Hope everyone is feeling better now.