Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An Hour with Billie

Just so you know. Billie is mom's dog. When mom travels out of town someone gets to take care of her. Billie is going to stay with me for a few days. Mom brought Billie along with her leash, two blankets for sleeping on (hopefully), a pillow, one toy with squeaker, and her bin full of food to sustain her during her visit with me. They arrived at about 7 or so. And within the hour Billie:

  • nibbled on the edge of every piece of fabric she could find

  • claimed the top of our round glove chair as her lounging "spot"

  • went outside 4 or more times

  • stole my pen and started chewing it up

  • sat in the middle of the food ads which I was trying to read

  • tore around like a Tasmanian Devil turning tight circles and scratching like crazy

  • found a packet of dad's ear plugs and chewed them up

  • got into some chocolate that I set aside for a package for Isaac - yikes chocolate is deadly - but she didn't eat it just found it and messed it up

  • found a wrapper to chew up - I don't know where she found it

  • tried to get the socks out of my laundry basket - SHE LOVES SOCKS!

Right now she is laying on our couch. I think she realizes she will be here for much longer than she wants to. But we will have fun. She will be fine. And I will have to be better at keeping things out of Billie's reach.


Lckevan said...

Haha...Sounds like you will be very busy. Sadie does the same thing when I am reading the adds or anything for that matter. She plops down right in the middle so I can't read it anymore. Her and Billie would be friends

becky d said...

Oh, how I miss having Billie here, what!! Did I really say that? Just kidding, we hope she loves your Doug more than she tolerated my Doug. She wasn't too keen on the men folk here at our house. It was kinda funny.