Thursday, February 12, 2009

Missing the Kids

Well it is true - my kids are all grown up and gone. Back in December of 1987 I never really thought that day would come. I was up to my neck in little kids: Scott - barely age 5, Evan - age 3 1/2, Lindsey - age 1 3/4, and then baby Isaac - newborn. Time really flew by! And now the kids are all wonderful adults who are doing good things and enjoying their lives. Only their lives are pretty far away from ours. So I don't get to see them nearly enough. Thankfully we have cell phones and we can talk anytime we want to. And we are glad that we can do video calls in order to hear and see our granddaughter.

But the other day while I was driving to tennis one of Isaac's favorite songs came on the radio. Bohemian Rhapsody. And even though the song is loud and crazy, it made me sort of sad. I started missing the kids. I thought about Isaac who has been gone on his mission for a year now. AND I also thought about our only granddaughter who is almost one year old. I thought about Scott, Evan, Shanna, Lindsley and Rob too. I was feeling pretty lonely at that moment.

But I got busy with my life, made some good moves at tennis, and pretty soon my mood lifted and I was feeling good again.
P.S. I love and miss you all!

1 comment:

evans said...

Oh yeah, that Lindsley was quite a sister...I actually don't remember growing up with Lindsley...