Wednesday, July 14, 2010

He did what?

Isaac came home last night after a long day of work and finishing the day off with some fun volleyball action. As I looked at him I saw something. Something different. Something was wrong with his face - no his eye. Hey, he had a black eye. I thought maybe he took an elbow to the eye during some awesome volleyball action. But no. Not that.

Here is the story. Isaac is a lifegurard. He went into a closet at work to retrieve their well used megaphones. You know the ones they splash water through, or use to scoop water onto the hot deck, oh, and the ones through which they yell rules to the pool rats. Things like "Young man, no running!" Anyway, there he was getting the megaphones. For some reason he decided to do something new with the megaphones in his hands. He used them like a huge pair of binoculars. He did what? Right, that's what I said.

Well the rest happened quickly. He had on flip flops with little to no traction. He must have hit a wet spot. Then he slipped and fell forward with the megaphone that was up to his left eye hitting the deck first. Therefore, his left eye caught his full weight. OUCH! (Luckily he has lost 10 pounds since coming home from his mission.)

Anyway, this morning it was a very pretty purpley color. And I couldn't stop myself from blogging to you all about it.

These pictures almost look like Sheriff Joe booking photos.

A shave would help the image a little, don't you think?


Lckevan said...

OOO ouch! I can't say I ever used those megaphones as binoculars. That's pretty funny...there must have been a cute girl there that he was trying to get a closer look at! Just kidding!

Kevin_Amold said...

Why would you use it as a binocular? It restricts your vision and magnifies nothing....makes no sense.

becky d said...

I thought I was on Joe Arpio's most wanted listings. Good thing you told me the story, I was about to call 1-888-sheriff to tell him I know that kid.

ebansr said...

Looks like a mug shot. And I can't tell he didn't shave. Are you sure he didn't get punched after calling one of the opposing players jumpy mc jumperson?