Friday, February 25, 2011

White Elephant Gift Exchange

I have been terrible about blogging - but today I thought I should post. I reviewed my photos and realized I had never posted about our annual DeWitt/Selin/Hansen White Elephant Gift Exchange.

Let's see Evan and his family were missing and Jill' husband was missing too. I think everyone else was here. Wait - Jason was also missing. Plus Isaac had his girlfriend Kristina here with us for the event.
It all started at a nearby park where the kids had a wonderful playground and the adults played some sand volleyball. When we worked up an appetite we came to the house and ate. But the main event was the White Elephant Gift Exchange. The gift exchange is always an adventure and this year that proved true - and near the end a little "PG"ish.

Sadie got a finger table bowling game - she was thrilled with it. And thanks to the group for not stealing it from her and causing a tear filled meltdown.

Shannon looked quite good in the zebra striped outfit. She's ready for her first safari.

Well maybe she doesn't have to go on a safari after all. An actual elephant appeared. I can't remember who got this gift - but it was left at our house. If I ever do remember - they'll be getting paid back sometime when they least suspect it.

I got this wonderful golf ensemble - including a hat full of golf balls. But this is as close as I'll ever get to a golf course. Pretty nice fit though.

And Jeff was the winner of the gift that got the most attention (and my determination that this event was "PG"ish). He got a Richard Simmons exercise video and exercise outfit. Jeff started to try it on but in mixed company he didn't try too hard - thanks Jeff!

But then Allan was willing. He left the room and came back with these blue shimmery shorts on and Becky gave him the equally styling pink shirt to finish off the outfit.

Here is the finished product. (Who would exercise in this stuff?) Not me. NEVER!

The best part was capturing Isaac and Kristina's reaction to Allan's "fashion show". YIKES! Isaac was ready - he knew what was coming. But Kristina - she looks a little shocked in the picture. I wouldn't have blamed Kristina if she went home that night and we never saw her again.

That pretty much captures the highlights of the
2010 White Elephant Gift Exchange.


Shirl and Bill said...

How FUNNY! It was fun.....

polka dotted lady said...
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becky d said...

Thanks for the pictures Carrie! And I'm pretty sure that Linsdey was the recipient of the elephant. Come on Linds...fess up!

Lckevan said...

That elephant was mine! they know who they need to pay back...ha ha. That thing was HEAVY! I hope you didn't get rid of it mom...I just left it there because we couldn't take it on the plane. I have big plans for that table! :) just kidding