I had a wonderful
Mothers Day! It started with a delicious omlette with toast and a scrumptious and beautiful strawberry hand dipped in dark chocolate. The breakfast was cooked by Doug. The strawberry a gift from my mom. Thanks to both for a great start for me on
Mothers Day.
I got 3 video calls from all the kids who are living away from home. Calvin was especially generous in perfoming for us. Sadie and Zachary were fun to talk to as well. Sadie nearly let us down when she didn't want to sing us a song. She had very weakly started the ABC song and gave out after "D". But as we were saying our goodbyes we heard her start the song again and soon we could hear it very well and she was singing it with gusto. Thanks Sadie, for the song. And thanks to you all for a wonderful evening filled with video chats! Loved it!
Doug also cooked up a great dinner. We had roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, with delicious salad. Only glitch there was the raw zucchini he peeled and sliced into the salad. I didn't even try it - but he thought it was a cucumber. Oh well - still loved the dinner!
Now to my gifts -
Did I mention the strawberries from mom? They tasted so good! Thanks Mom.
I got a letter mid-week but didn't look at the contents until Mothers Day. It was some original artwork from Calvin. Thanks to Calvin and his parents for that.
Isaac also gave me an original composition. Wow! Thanks!
Scott gave me some Accoutrements - girlie ones. To further clarify what he gave me they are Stylish Self-adhesive Mustaches for Girls! Wow! I never even knew they had those. I never even knew I wanted them! And it turns out that there is a different one for every day of the week. Sunday - the Bollywood, Monday - the Heroine, Tuesday - the Many Missus, Wednesday - the Frida, Thursday - the Lip Liner
(pictured), Friday - the Cowgirl
(pictured) , and Saturday - the Grandma
(pictured and best fit). So thanks Scott. Plus he got me a gift card for Kohl's.

I just got a bike and that serves as my Mothers Day gift. I've had it out for a couple rides already. We did 15 miles together in town the same day that I did 11 myself. One left-over malady from that day is a half numb left pinky and ring finger. I don't know if that will ever go away. But I'll let you know if it does. We also went to the rim last Thursday and took a 16 mile ride - checking out the route for the boys during summer scout camp. A mini comic book is being published about the ride last week. Doug also made another famous homemade card. He's quite good at it and I always appreciate the efforts he makes to make me feel special and appreciated.
**Today I received a cute card from the Kevan Family. A really cute card about apps - wink wink, nudge nudge, hint hint. Anyway they sent me my very own Abraham Lincoln with which to buy my favorite chocolate almond ice cream at 31 Flavors. I hope they have it. Thanks! I needed that!
Then my Bester delivered this nice plaque to me also. Wow is she nice! She must like me. Thanks to her for thinking about me. It is nice to have a Bester. In case you don't know, Kristina is my Bester. I think you have all met her. Thanks Bester - you really are the best!
I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Thanks to all for making yesterday a very wonderful
Mothers Day for me.