Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Garden Update

A quick update on the garden.

The tomato plants are looking pretty good. We have 8 plants. One in particular is growing like crazy. And a different one is barely hanging in there. One looks healthy but has been stingy about flowering and starting to grow fruit. But it finally is starting to cooperate. I've counted at least 30 fruits growing. They are all sizes. We have 10 that are bigger than golf balls and a couple of those are even bigger than that. Don't have any turning red yet but I have hope that we will get some eventually.

The beans in the garden are starting to look good. The first planting only produced maybe 6 plants. Those 6 are just now starting to grow a new level of leaves beyond the first 2 starter leaves. So I re-planted in the bare spots. Now most of those have come up and are looking good. But I had a few more beans and planted those in the remaining spots where plants hadn't sprouted. So hopefully we can produced enough beans to cook and eat and enjoy.

The pepper plants have been really slow. It took forever for one to sprout. It took so long I planted seeds again. And now the first and second batch of seeds have both sprouted. I guess I'll have to thin out the duplicates. I just can't bear to do it yet.

This spring/summer garden has been weird. It has been cool (for here - only turned the A/C on maybe twice or three times for an afternoon) and just when it seems to get warm/hot with a long hot summer ahead - well then another weather front comes in and cools things off. So the garden doesn't know what is going on. But we'll hope to have some fruits to enjoy.

And as a side note to Shanna - my plant advisor - I topped off the tall plant on my front porch after getting your advice. And it has produced some nice new leaves up near the top of the remaining stem. It looks SOOOO MUCH BETTER!!! Thanks!

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

Wow! I'm impressed.
I have had 6 tomatoes off my two scroungy plants.....4 more are ready and I have about maybe 20 coming along....