Monday, November 28, 2011


Our family is so lucky.
 We had a Thanksgiving Baby 24 years ago. 
This year we celebrated his birthday on Saturday. 
Our day went something like this. 
I made breakfast for Isaac and we served it to him in bed while singing a rousing version of Happy Birthday. 
After eating he opened his gift. 
 It was pretty special because Doug wrote a poem to explain what we were giving him and would need to shop for during the day. 

Here is the card and poem - you can let us know how you like it.

The holiday season gets started each year
When pilgrims and turkeys come out and appear
They come to adore him, to bring him good cheer
For it's Isaac's birtday, we hope he'll appear.

He gets a few presents - traditional stuff
A check with some moola, not filler or fluff
But this year we'll outfit his dogs with a treat
some shoes to help comfort his poor aching feet!

So with these new shoes so handsome and fine
Go conquer the Amazon jungle and vine
No more dreading work's unbearable days
Your feet will be comfy and singing your praise.

And with this small gift, your feet will feel cool
They'll help meet your goal - to get back to school
So keep working hard, and we'll shout out loud
"We knew you could do it, you sure make us proud!"

We (myself, Isaac, Doug, and Scott) left Phoenix at about 9:30.
Stopped at 3 stores looking for the good sturdy shoes for Isaac.
Continued on to Mesa without new shoes.
Arrived at Scott's house to assess and resolve "issues" so he could install and start using his washer and dryer.
A run to the hardware store to get needed hardware was needed.
I stayed home to clean the appliances.
Discovered that Scott's cleaner bleached the color out of my shirt.  Dang!
Left for mom's house to enjoy a nice birthday lunch at The Olive Garden.
Returned to mom's and Scott and I did some filming while using the golfcart.
Isaac advised and assisted. That was fun!
Doug returned to Scott's house and made a little progress on installation.
We left mom's and headed back home.
Stopped on the way home to get the shoes Isaac liked best.
I gave Doug a hair cut.
Later we had cake and ice cream.
Isaac failed to blow out all 24 candles! 
That's a first!
He nearly passed out trying!
Due to cheating nobody saw Isaac's teeth on his first bite of cake.
Kristina came over and we played Stack Attack and Monopoly Deal.
That ended our day to celebrate Isaac's birthday.


Shirl and Bill said...

Great blog,,,,great day and can you believe, 24 years ago....where does the time go.
Gooo Isaac

Lckevan said...

Sounds like fun! Wish I was there to enjoy it with you!