Monday, December 19, 2011

We love our . .

Being here in Utah has been quite an adventure so far.  Even though the Kevan's have had coughs, runny noses, and a round of the stomach flu I have managed to remain unscathed.  I feel lucky.  During the past 2 weeks I have figured a few things out:

Sadie is a chatter box.  She loves to talk.  She loves to talk!  Did I mention that she loves to talk!!  So when there is no talking she's probably doing somthing she shouldn't be doing.  But either way - we love our Sadie.

Zachary isn't a chatter box.  Not yet.  The one word we can count on him saying - guesses anyone?  The word "no".  He doesn't even mean no most of the time.  It usually means yes.  We have been trying to get him to nod his head yes.  He has us working full-time getting games out of the closet for him.  He goes to the closet and looks up.  We know he wants a game.  We ask him if he wants a game and he pleasantly says, "no".  That means yes.  Then I have to lift him up so he can point out the game he wants.  It usually has a lot of pieces.  We get them out and go through all the pieces.  Then before you know it he is singing his version of "clean up clean up everybody everywhere".  So cute.  Then we put the pieces back and put the game on the shelf.  Then it is on to another game.  He does a lot of things that Sadie does.  He likes to follow her around and then play nicely with her.  Well sometimes the nicely part isn't quite right.  But we love our Zachary

Emery is coming up on 3 weeks old.  She passed her 2 week check-up with flying colors.  Actually he had her tested for jaundice - but she wasn't really yellow I just think someone in the lab had a boat payment due.  She weighed in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. She seems to be a little congested.  We consider it fortunate that she hasn't had the stomach flu that everyone else in her family had.  We love our Emery.

As usual Rob is taking good care of his family.  He works hard every day.  Then comes home and lets the kids crawl and jump all over him.  We love our Rob.

Lindsey has the patience of Job.  Really!  Her kids are a jumble of action, talking, playing, arguing, fighting, and being nice too but she just keeps her cool through it all and manages them perfectly.  We love our Lindsey.

It seems that my description of Zachary has taken the most space but I must tell one more story.  We had a huge batch of delicious popcorn.  Zac and Sadie had their own bowls of popcorn.  But Zac just couldn't stand leaving Sadie alone.  When her guard was down he would dart over and steal some of her popcorn.  And then Sadie would howl and fuss.  She would go take some back.  Then after a mild scolding from dad they would be fine for a while.  But Zac was always on alert and as soon as Sadie was distracted and not protecting her bowl he would zoom over for another attack.  It was quite funny to watch.  I'm sure dad was frustrated with the entire incident.  But I'm sure it is just a small precurser to many future events of sibling teasing. 


1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

What can I say. Nice blog...Nice family!!