Friday, November 9, 2012

Drive-Through Interviews

We just completed our 3rd annual Drive-Through Interviews for Visiting Teaching. 

Our first one was a "Drive-Through Service Station".  The sisters would drive up and we would take a stool, some window cleaner, and some paper towels to their car.  Then we would wash their windshield while we discussed their assignment as a Visiting Teacher.  It was lovely.  We gave them a car freshener as they left.  It was a success.

Last year the Drive-Through Interview theme was "Popcorn and a Movie".  We had a big popcorn machine set up outside the kitchen at the church - like the ones they use in theatres.  We had a short Pixar movie we showed called Boundin'.  We got in their cars and gave them a bag of popcorn and watched the short movie.  We related it to knowing and serving our sisters.  We gave them a cute handout with a quote and 2 hand-stitched puffy white pieces of popcorn on it.  It was tucked inside a red and white striped paper bag.  It was super cute and the sisters loved it. 

This year we did Drive-Through McInterviews.  We wore red shirts with a familiar golden arch taped on.  I made some McInterview signs.  Plus a bonus - I got a McDonalds Monopoly poster and had that displayed too.  Turns out the timing was perfect to have that - Scott was on the poster and we asked to have one.  So I just kept it to use and then I'll give it to Scott.  Anyway, during the McInterview we served McParfaits.  They were yummy.  So we had another successful year of Drive-Through Interviews

See Scott on the poster?

Note parfait in hand?

Wouldn't you agree with me that 3 years is a long enough time to be a Relief Society President?  But if I'm still in next fall we will need another idea for Drive-Through Interviews.  I do have one more possible idea lurking in my head.  We shall see if I need to work that idea up or not. 


lindzandrob said...

That looks awesome mom! And I loved the idea of popcorn and a movie. I love popcorn! Next year maybe you could do drive through pedicures. :)

Shirl and Bill said...

good idea and sounds like it turned out o k