Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Catching Up #1 - Weather

As most of you know, I was out of town for a month. On April 22nd I went to Utah for Evan's graduation from BYU. A few days later baby Zachary was born. So I stayed in Springville to help Lindsey. I came home on May 11th only to turn around and leave on the 12th. Doug and I had a trip to Florida planned to watch the space shuttle Atlantis launch. We were there for 1 1/2 weeks.

Needless to say, my blog has suffered. But no fear I have determined to play Catch Up. I will try to slowly Catch Up to current time by occasionally inserting posts about the missing month.

Today my topic is the Weather. Mom and I left clear Arizona skies only to arrive in SLC in cloudy and rainy weather. That wet weather welcome would start a pattern of weather that didn't seem too spring-like to me.

Cool and rainy for Evan's graduation.

Sunny one day.
(Notice the clouds low on the mountains in the back.)

Cold and snowy the next.
(Unfortunately the cold weather didn't spare Rob and Lindsey's tomato plants. They will definitely need to be replaced.)

Waiting until we get a quick break in the weather for a trip to the park.

Then staying inside because of the hail and wind.
(The thing is the pictures were usually taken after the peak of bad weather evidence - so imagine worse than you see.)

I started to miss the predictably sunny and clear Phoenix weather.
Having a toddler in a small duplex and not being able to go out and spend energy is tough.

All in all I quite enjoyed my time in Utah.
On a positive note - the cooler weather meant more comfortable sleeping conditions.
Note to self: Always plan on cooler than expected weather.
My presence in Utah seems to bring with it cool weather.

1 comment:

Lckevan said... Arizonians bring cold weather with you every time!