Sunday, May 30, 2010

Three Early Morning Musings

Yesterday was the day. May 29th. We turned the air conditioning on. It was warm in the house with too many hours in the day left to wait for the cooler evening for relief.

And last night was the night. The cooler evening temperatures didn't come soon enough so the cooler remained on all night.

And this morning - well, when I got up at 5:30 it was cool enough to open up the windows for a short time but the smell of farm was strong enough to deter me.

So even though we've had a wonderfully mild "spring" here in Arizona - goodbye spring and hello summer.

Peaches. When we were driving from Florida to Alabama to visit Yvonne and her family we went through a sliver of Georgia. And we saw a few roadside stands selling Georgia Peaches. We didn't get any. But I asked Yvonne if she ever got any and if they were good. She hadn't had any. Then our discussion turned to Utah peaches. We discussed how really wonderful they were and that we didn't think you could do any better than Utah peaches. But now I beg to differ.

My mom and I drove out to Schnepf Farms in the way east valley on Friday. We went out there to pick some peaches. The trees were loaded and the peaches looked good. And WOW! They tasted so good. They were the kind you bite into and the sweet sticky juice dribbles down your chin kind of good. Yes, they are as good as Utah peaches - for sure.

We learned that May is a good month for delicious Arizona peaches. I can't wait for next May to roll around and I can say - hello delicious peaches.

While I was out of town for the better part of a month my plants suffered a bit. I had a pretty nice looking poinsettia plant on the kitchen island that was going strong since Christmas. Now all the leaves have either fallen off or are a little crunchy. Goodbye poinsettia.


Lckevan said...

All this talk of peaches makes me want some!

evans said...

Finally a post that doesn't kill my eyes from having to read in two or three different colors! Shanna and I still have to use the heater up here so we don't freeze during the day.