Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Funny Bone

Who is an anatomy expert? Anyone? What is the real name for a spot on our elbows we call a "funny bone"? I'm sure that isn't the real name. But I think the game "Operation" labels it a "funny bone". Does that count?

I have one reason that we call it a funny bone.

I made cupcakes for our Ward Variety Show (future post may or may not document this activity). I had them perfectly frosted with cute sprinkles on them. Cute sprinkles always entice the little kiddos to grab and gobble. I didn't want to bring a tray-full home so the decorations were my no fail solution. So anyway, we loaded needed supplies along with the cupcakes into the truck. I had Doug hold one plate to give me once I was in my seat and buckled in. He got in a hurry and set them down between our seats - on a handy arm rest. Well, I guess you can figure out the rest. He got into his seat and wiggled and got settled in his seat by using his elbow - read "funny bone". I heard an "oopsie" and looked over. Yep he had crushed 3 of the cupcakes - WITH HIS FUNNY BONE! Really smashed them. Rats and double darn!

We took them into the kitchen anyway. I boldly started giving one person my weak explanation of the mis-shaped goodies. Soon my voice was fading out and I turned and walked away looking at my feet (hoping to find $5). No such luck.

But the best part of this funny bone story is that at the end of the activity - every one of those cute, delicious, decorated, and smashed cupcakes were gone! Yes - every one of them!!

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

OOpsie is right. Still taste the same don't they?
Most teenagers would eat them right up!!