Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some News

I have some news.

A few weeks ago there was another missionary transfer. Elder Hohman (Mr. Fix-It) is out and Elder Johnson is in.

This is Elder Johnson and Elder Waynick. This set of missionaries seem to have a more traditional schedule and lots less grease under their fingernails. I am very happy about that! Doug and I both think Elder Johnson looks like our nephew, Kevin DeWitt. I'm not sure the picture shows the resemblance or not.

Yesterday I trimmed our tomatoe plants way back. I am hoping to get a fall crop of tomatoes. Our summer crop looked promising but other than a few tomatoes - they were very small and disappointing. The red tomatoes that are on the plants nowadays seem to have wierd lumps and bumps and look almost like an "alien" variety. I think the extreme heat in August must have boiled the newly polinated fruit and caused it to grow in very unique and unpredictable ways. Here are a few pictures.

We just found a scorpion in the house. It was on the plastic chair mat in front of our desk with THIS COMPUTER. I left the computer and just seconds later came back to find the nasty little critter. It was so near my bare feet! YIKES! I am still walking around with my toes curled under and my eyes peeled in case another intruder found its way into the house. I guess it is time for another Scorpion Hunting Blitz - starting tonight!

So much for Some News from me.


Lckevan said...

Those tomatoes are weird. but are they tasty?

Carrie Selin said...

Very tasty - just labor intensive because they are pretty small.

Shirl and Bill said...

chalizedWarty tomatoes....Ha ha like the toad???
Yikes, in the house, that is what I call invasion of privacy!!!!

Shirl and Bill said...

chalized was my word identification,,, I don't know how it got THERE