Monday, June 18, 2012

I love that smell

I went to Walgreens to get some Brut Anti Perspirant/Deodorant in an aerosol can.  When I see it is on sale I usually buy one or two.  Plus I had a coupon.  All was going normally until I went to pay for the Brut.  The cashier was about my age or a tiny bit younger.  She said "Oh, I love that smell!  It reminds me of when I was younger . . . . blah, blah, blah."  I had things to do so I sort of turned her dialogue off in my head.  Then before I knew it she had the lid off the can and was spraying it into the air to catch a whiff.  She said, "I love that smell!"  She sniffed and exhaled with delight.  I was thinking HELLO?!  WHAT DID YOU JUST DO??!!  You just used one application of MY product and now Doug will be one armpit short at the end of that can!  Sheesh!  What are these cashiers thinking anyway?  She really needs to buy her own can and just keep it at the register and spray at will.
 But don't use the customer's products! 


Shirl and Bill said...

Oh my gosh. Training needed there!!!!

lindzandrob said...

I can't believe that! I always hate it when the cashier comments on something that I have bought...mostly because I don't want them looking at my stuff and analyzing it. Once I bought a pregnancy test (before we had Sadie) and as the cashier scanned it she looked at me ans asked " are you pregnant??" I'm thinking...hello...I'm buying the test. I don't know yet!