Saturday, June 16, 2012

Storage Room 2

OK, I had a great idea before the "guys" came to build us a storage room.  I wanted to take pictures at regular intervals and then put them together for a quick look at the construction.  Doug told me he had something figured out with a video camera we had.  So we set it up in the house, pointing out the window - for a great view of the event.  Here are the results:
Wah - Wah - Wah!

Nothing.  No pictures at all!  ARGH!  I could have at least pushed the button a couple times.  But I didn't want to mess with the settings that Doug had "figured out". 

Lesson learned?  Try these great ideas out beforehand - to see if you really have things figured out! 

Anyhow, here are a couple pictures of the Storage Room so far.  As you can see there is no door.  There is a glitch on getting the door to fit the slope of the cement.  So they will come out this week and finish that up.  More pictures will follow.

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

Fancy store room
Those dang settings!!!