It's been a while since my last blog entry. No one seems to mind though. Nobody asking me to please put up a new post. No frantic calls wondering if I am alive and well. So I don't know if anyone really cares about my blog. But alas I will put up a new post even if it is just for me to read.
We have a visitor. She loves to see us. This is her first stay at our new house. She has spent 3 previous vacations here with us. I don't have to pay for her meals - she brings her own. She doesn't leave a ring around the bathtub or anything like that. But I am finding her blonde hair - EVERYWHERE! She really sheds! Yes, you guessed it. Shayla has come to stay with us again. Her "parents" are on a river cruise in Europe and will be gone for 2 weeks. I guess for Shayla Prague to Paris = Vacation Time.
She has settled in nicely. Actually we borrowed a gate to put on the stairs so she doesn't leave a generous supply of unwanted fur down there. I mean it takes weeks just to get the carpets vacuumed up after she goes home. Then jsut when you think you have all the fur cleaned up there are stragglers that hang on as long as they can. She comes with a detailed schedule and menu. The instructions start at 5:30 am. Shayla usually wakes me up at about 5 am. She has her sleeping pad in our room and she saunters over at 5 and puts her chin on the bed bumping it just enough for me to feel it and then she just stares at me. Seeing a big dog at eye level just staring at me isn't conducive to getting any more sleep.
We start out with breakfast and then a "frisky" walk. She takes care of business. Like I said her "business" done on the walks is usually a one or two bagger job. But I go prepared for a triple bagger just in case. Then we come home for a delicious bowl of measured and flavored water. Later on there are snacks, more flavored water, lunch, flavored water again, snack, dinner, dog bone and snack, then a flat chewy thing to clean her teeth, then one more walk and it is bedtime. Oh, let's not forget her allergy and hormone pills hidden in yogurt on top of her meals too. She is very well trained and really a nice dog. She never barks at or chases anything. She doesn't make any noise except for a little whistle noise that she will do if she needs to go outside and you aren't paying attention to her. She also snores sometimes which Doug can't ignore and so he occasionally loses some sleep. She also gets frisky a couple of times a day and wants us to play with her toys with her and chase her around.
Anyway Shayla is taking up a lot of our time these days. Hopefully she is enjoying her vacation with us. I think that she is getting the short end of the vacation stick. Prague to Paris sounds much more enjoyable - but then maybe they've tried taking her and she gets sea sick? But either way for Shayla: Prague to Paris = Vacation Time.
It's A Thing
1 day ago
I read your blog! Keep the posts coming! Shayla looks like she is enjoying her vacation!
I check your blog too
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