Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ahhhh. That word applies to three things today.

First. I finished my pink TV blanket today. Yay me! It is sewn, tied, and keeping me comfy warm. "Ahhhh - this new blanket feels so good!" There's a storm in the distance so a new TV blanket is a good thing.

Second. Dad has had a couple of stress filled days at work. Those don't happen very often. But some pretty important stuff was happening and Doug was involved with it. So when he got home he released a long heartfelt, "Ahhhh." He's really glad to be done with it.

Third. We saw an awesome rainbow on the way home from eating out. It was a really bright rainbow. It was a complete one too - from one pot of gold to the other. Doug told me he saw a Leprechaun sliding down the rainbow. But it got a huge "Ahhhh" too. There were hints of double rainbow but it never got very bright. What a way to end the day. (Picture doesn't do it justice.)


Lckevan said...

That does look like a pretty good rainbow. I haven't seen a really good rainbow for a while. I think the picture is awesome.

Kevin_Amold said...

You're asleep in front of the tv right now using that blanket....