Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And then . . .

Sometimes deciding on something for dinner is the hardest part of my day. I mean after being married for 29 bliss filled years (that's over 10,000 dinners) it just gets old. So that was in the back of my mind today. All day.

I had a busy day. I marked and hemstitched 1 baby blanket and 2 burpers this morning - before I played tennis. So now you know I also played tennis at 9 this morning. What am I going to make for dinner? After that I made 2 quick stops at grocery stores. I came home and ate lunch (left-overs from last night's dinner). But wht is for tonight's dinner? I also got a good news email. I found out that one of the teachers at GCC will let me attend her class so that I can make up the one I will be missing each week - because of my Tuesday morning tennis. Yes!! That made my day. But no great ideas for dinner.

Then a few things did not make my day. I found out yesterday that we have 2 RS sisters in the hospital. Hopefully one is out now but I haven't heard. No one answered when I called her house earlier. I had another passing thought about figuring out dinner. Then I went to the hospital to visit the other sister. On the way I stopped and bought a card and some Bert's Bees Lip Balm - I can't go empty handed. Anyway, she is in a wheelchair and has been feeling lowsy for several months. And when she got in the hospital on Sunday night her temperature was so low that it wouldn't register on any of the thermometers. It turns out it was about 86 degrees. That isn't good folks. Help! What's for dinner? So when I visited her today she said that - get this - the doctors don't know what is going on with her. That is comforting! Dinner. Dinner. Only 2 more hours. What's for dinner?! She has some sort of infection that they are treating but an infection usually causes a high fever. So who knows. I left and walked out to my car to head home. A good time for racking my brains for about an idea for dinner.
And then . . . . finish it folks.

And then . . . . I found ten dollars. And that is the truth!

I didn't have my camera (and didn't think about using my cell phone OR iPod touch DUH!). So I re-created the finding when I got home.

Why have I spent so much time blogging about finding ten dollars? Well first, "and then I found $5" is a well used saying in our family which gives a great ending to any joke, story, confession, scolding, etc. And second, it solved my dinner dilemma. We took the money and bought a bag full of tacos from Del Taco and we came home with more than five dollars change.


Shirl and Bill said...

Tee hee.....It wouldn't take long for me to decide to "Eat Out".
How are those Del Tacos anyway.....never tried them.
Do they have alot of calories, or trans fats or what else, cholesterol causing blah blah blah's.
Cute blog.....

Kevin_Amold said...

That was my ten spot!

Carrie Selin said...

No. No it is not yours. Not when I found it on the blacktop under my front door in the hospital parking lot on Thomas 93rd Avenue. I don't think you lost it there! Not falling for that one! And FYI - the Word Verification to allow me to publish this comment is mones - sort of like money - I think it is a sign. Yes, it was mine.

Lckevan said...

Haha. I often have that same problem of having no idea what to make for dinner! But I have never found ten dollars. Good one!

becky d said...

Hey, I was over on Thomas and 7th avenue. I think I might have dropped it and with this crazy wind we have been having - it probably blew over to 93rd. I'll be expecting it in the mail soon.
I think we need to have a dinner blog and let each one of us know what we are having for dinner for that night or even a whole weeks worth of ideas. Tell me what you think of that.