Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thanks Scott!

I got a handy dandy pedometer for my birthday. Thanks Scott! The first one was a lemon. It kept resetting itself and then the numbers would just flash and dance were generally useless to me. So I marched back in and asked to return it. I asked if they had lots of returns on that item and they said they did not. (Should I believe them?) Ultimately I did believe them so I said I would exchange for the exact same thing and give it another try.

I made a good choice because this one is working like a charm. I like seeing how many steps I take in a day. I have heard that taking 10,000 steps a day keeps you pretty healthy - as long as you don't go overboard and the dinner table. It also converts the steps into miles. And it has a nice clip so it stays clipped onto my waistband and it isn't a bother at all. I love it. Thanks Scott!

Anyway, this morning I played tennis. I reset the pedometer at ZERO shortly before I played. And by the time I got back home - can anyone guess how many steps it registered? The answer is below - but guess first. No Peeking! While you aren't peeking just take a look at my little gem. Now make a guess.

The answer - thirteen thousand steps - 13,000+ a few. WOW! SHEESH! That's a lot of steps. I better watch out or I may just use up all my steps (sound familiar Lindsey - "your shoulder only has so many rotations - nothing we can do"). Anyway can you guess how many miles that is? 4.92 miles - yes nearly 5 miles and it isn't even noon yet. Wonderful! I'm feeling pretty good about that. Once again, Thanks Scott!


Shirl and Bill said...

Hey a pedometer......You should rack up a pretty good mileage every day the way you go.....

polka dotted lady said...

Hey - I'm not understanding your pedometer. In the picture it shows 53720 (something like that) -how the heck do you read it? I'm thinking you had 53 thousand steps! Be careful, you might walk yourself dead!

becky d said...

Ooops. Polkadotted Lady is me.