I pass the Goodwill store quite often - so I figure if I stop by often enough I should be able to find a white globe that will screw in and hide the sight of the bare lightbulb. So that day I made my first stop and guess what?
Yup. There it was. A globe just sitting on the shelf, all lonely and pathetic. Even upon closer inspection I could see it was perfect, no chips, no cracks, no flaws at all. I thought it couldn't be this easy. I couldn't find the perfect thing I was looking for on my first trip to look for one. Not a chance.
I calmly walked back out to the car to get the tape measure. My mind said, "Yes that globe is the perfect size and in perfect condition and it will serve you well over the years." But sometimes aren't our eyes bigger than our stomach? Isaac usually had that happen when we went out to eat. You know - order the biggest meal and then struggle to eat it all? I was pretty sure about this - but a quick measure would confirm it. And as I walked out to the car I wondered if the globe would be on the shelf when I returned. Would someone else be looking for that exact item and buy it during my absence? Did someone see me inspecting it and in their own twisted way buy it just to deny me having it? So I hurried my steps. I retrieved the measuring tape and walked with gusto back to the Goodwill store.
I walked straight back to the shelf where I had left the globe. Would my "find" still be there? Yes! Yes, there it was - sitting all lonely and hopeful. I picked it up to measure. What was that? Four inches. Right, four inches! It would be a perfect fit. The price tag? $1.99. I'll take it! And I did too.
As I was walking out I veered over to the men's pants. Doug needed a pair of light weight hiking pants for our 3 day backpacking hike to the Paria Canyon in May. His heavy convas army pants would not do. So I started looking and within 4 pairs of pants I found some. Right size. Right material. Good pockets (always a must for guys and hiking/camping). And they were actual hiking pants with the legs that zip off into shorts! Wow! Bonus! I felt like I hit the jackpot. Two needed items and two finds!
So I hurriedly paid and brought the items home. I cleaned off the globe and inserted it into the lamp - perfect fit! What a find!
Later when I had Doug try on the pants - perfect fit! What a bonus! What a day!
I guess I need to bring you with me when I go to thrift stores! You are a good luck charm! Glad you found what you were looking for!
How lucky can you get. Dumb me...I would never have thought DI for a globe. But doesn't it look nice. And pants too. !!!
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