Friday, March 18, 2011


Have you ever wondered what breakfast should look like on Saint Patrick's Day?
Well this is how it looked at our house yesterday.

Doug suffering from his first pinch of the day - not wearin' any of the green!

Green Eggs with peppers, and onions.

Add a bunch of tomatoes for color - and flavor!

Plated up with cheese - please.

Hungry, happy, and pinch forgotten -
Doug digs in to the green eggs, toast, and bacon too.
(Hope some eggs stick in his teeth because he still didn't wear any green!)


Shirl and Bill said...

Tee Hee. Good sport Doug.
Green eggs???? I know Dr Seues (?) wrote about them!!!

lindzandrob said...

Ha ha. I was going to make green pancakes, but Sadie was throwing up that morning...maybe we will do them tomorrow!