Friday, April 8, 2011

He did it.

OK. The wait is over. I won't have to wonder anymore. He did it. He got me. And it only took a week to discover it.

Doug said the other day that he thought he knew my routine pretty well but agreed that he must not have it down as well as the thought he did. But today - finally - his April Fools joke was found. And it was pretty good too.

I ate a snacky lunch. I got a glass of milk I decided it was about time to take a multi-vitamin. When I opened the bottle of vitamins I had to smile. There it was. Doug's April Fools joke. He did it! He really did it. There inside the bottle of vitamins were a bunch of colorful gumballs. Right in the bottle. Mixed with the vitamins. Ha! Good one Doug.

So I'll give him credit for a good April Fools joke. Now I'm one good joke down. Do I have to wait until next year? Or not? Only time will tell what I decide about this issue.


Lckevan said...

Ha ha! THat was a good one. TOo bad it took you so long to find it. I think it probably counts as an April fools day joke. It was pretty good.

Shirl and Bill said...

I take it you don't take a mighty vitamin every day. Hmmm that candy looked pretty good...

polka dotted lady said...

NO WAITING is needed. You don't have to just do jokes ON April Fools Day, you just can't call them April Fool's jokes. Can't wait to here what you plan!

becky d said...

Oops!! That is my other blog name that I've done nothing with. Sorry.