Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lack of Posts

Can you all visualize a sad frowny face? That is what I look like every day when I come to my blog page. You see, the old desktop computer died. It died a rather slow and painful death. But finally it refused to even turn on. It still sits here, on the floor next to the desk, haunting my days and nights. The problem is that it died with all its contents encased inside. Those contents are mine. MINE - I SAY!! All my documents, pictures, and so many of my favorite places on the internet. But the old computer carcass refuses to give them up.
Actually, Doug had a back-up machine that supposedly has all those contents as well, but we now find out it isn't completely compatible with this windows version. Rats! It couldn't have been easy for us? No. But he has assured me that he can get stuff off if I'm specific about what I want. He doesn't seem to understand - I WANT IT ALL! So I am at his mercy to get stuff that I want/need. And since he rarely sits here at this computer I have to interrupt to have him and his expertice working on my demands.
So here I sit - and now you know why there has been a Lack of Posts.
If anyone wants to do something nice for me they could send me a couple pictures of my cute grandkids, siblings, parents and any in-laws as well so I can at least put them up on my computer as wallpaper. Hint, hint. And don't waste too much time feeling sorry for me. I have been crazy busy lately too - I'll try to take some pictures and gets new posts coming your way soon!


Shirl and Bill said...

Someone's going to have to work some magic for you!!

trudy said...

OH. how sad. Good luck.