Thursday, January 5, 2012

By Degrees

The beginning step was easy enough.  Elder Halligan came upstairs and walked up to me and said sweetly, "Sister Selin?  I was wondering if you could mend my pants.  I would really appreciate if you could. (sweet smile included here)."  I took a look at the pants.  There was a small half inch tear in the stitching on the crotch of the pants.  Simple to fix.   Not a problem.  So I agreed to fix them.  Elder Halligan said, "Thank you so much, Sister Selin!  (sweet smile included here.)"

A couple of days later - Elder Halligan came upstairs and walked up to me and said sweetly, "Sister Selin? I was wondering if you could show me how to sew this button on my shirt. I would really appreciate if you could. (sweet smile included here)." I took a look at the shirt.  Sure enough there was a button missing at the neck of his white dress shirt. Simple to fix. Not a problem. So I agreed to "show" him how to sew the button on. Elder Halligan said, "Thank you so much, Sister Selin! (sweet smile included here.)"

A few more days passed before -Elder Halligan came upstairs and walked up to me and said sweetly, "Sister Selin? I was wondering if you could hem these pants for me. I don't know how much sewing you do but I would really appreciate it if you could help me out. (sweet smile included here)." The pants were bought, hemmed, and sent from Missionary Mall in Orem.  I wondered why they didn't get the hem right - but evidently the pants are a different style and don't hang the same as the other ones.  So I took a look at the pants. I made sure he only wanted a straight hem and nothing tricky like a cuff or antyhing special.  I know I can do them but was hesitant about agreeing - don't need the added pressure.  Not so simple to fix but I agreed to hem them.   Elder Halligan said, "Thank you so much, Sister Selin! (sweet smile included here.)" I still haven't even pinned the hem up for him to try them on.  So he will still have to wait until I get to them. 

My problem is that he moved me along from very simple sewing tasks to a big "better look professional" hem - by degrees.  A little at a time.  And I fell for it.  So I am a little afraid about what sewing task might come after I get the hem done.  I mean will he request a quilt made from all his mission ties?  What about darning his socks - I'd send those to Doug's mom to do.  Or will he need a new suit and come to me with a stack of material, no pattern, and only a week to do the project?  I'm not sure.  But I guess if I don't do a great job on the hem - maybe he'll think twice before asking me to help him out.  Thank you very much!


lindzandrob said...

I say you make his pants into shorts! ha ha...just kidding. Maybe he will want a monkey costume next or something. That would be funny.

Shirl and Bill said...

Boy, he hooked you, hook, line and sinker. But what else can you do.... Sister Selin,(sweet smile)..