Rob and Lindsey left for the hospital this morning with a promise to Sadie that they would be bringing baby brother home. So that put me in charge of little Sadie. And after just 2 short hours she managed to lock herself in her parents bedroom. So the question dancing in everyone's mind is, "Is she capable to handle Sadie?"
Well the incident began innocently enough. She went into her parents bedroom and said bye-bye and closed the door. But when she didn't emerge after a few minutes I started listening more closely to what she was saying - "I waked up", and "lock door", and other troubling self-dialogue. So I started trying to talk her through the process of unlocking the door. But to no avail. No panic yet - Sadie or me.
So after several minutes, even though I hated to do it, I called Lindsey at the hospital to help me locate a screwdriver (my initial search produced nothing screwdriver like). She told me where I might find one but I didn't find it there. Another look around and I found a leatherman tool. That had several gadgety appendages - a short can opener, a rather long saw blade, several short screwdriver ends, a cutting blade, a larger cutting blade, and of course the famous pliers. After a quick appraisal of available tools I chose the long saw blade. When I tried to insert it into the small slit it didn't go into the hole very well. It just sort of jammed in about 1/4th inch. Dang! But before pulling it back out I tried turning it and TA DA!!! The door was unlocked.
So before you evaluate my capabilities as a babysitter you might consider that the whole episode was over in a few short minutes, without being scared, without yelling, without dialing 911, and without any tears. Actually she emerged smiling totally unaware of my questionable capabilities.
I think I've proved myself. But maybe we better wait for a final evaluation until Rob and Lindsey return home and see for themselves.
1 week ago
Haha. That's funny. I'm glad Lindsy really did get to go to the hospital! Can't wait for Baby Brother!
LOL That is too funny!
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