Monday, April 26, 2010

Half-way Through the Day

Okay, so you all read about my shaky start this morning. But I'm half-way through the day and want to report. We have been busy. We said goodbye to her mom and dad when they left for the hospital.

We said goodbye to Scott who left for SLC and then will fly home later today.

We got dressed.

We combed her hair.

We walked to the park and played and played. Sadie fed the big scary dinosaur at the playground. She climbed the stairs and the climbing wall too.

She went on every slide - even the wet ones. She liked hanging from the bars way up high.

We found a snail shell and she dropped it to me and I gave it back to her through the holes in the platform. Then we both went to swing. I pushed her really high. We laughed and laughed. We saw 3 dogs and found a bat on the soccer field. Then it was time to go home. When we got home we got a little snack and then decided to walk to the store. She rode in the stroller this time. I had to pump up the tires first. That was hard. But the walk was fun. We saw lots of good things. At the store we bought some more Pull Ups for Sadie. Plus some fruit snacks - Yum! We also couldn't leave without getting a doughnut. She wanted a sugar doughnut. She ate the whole thing! She licked her fingers and cheeks and lips and still had sugar everywhere.
But the doughnut was really good.

When we got home she even ate her sandwich. We watched a little Elmo and then she went down for her nap. Here is where I almost made a mistake. Sadie took herself to the bathroom. When I checked on her she was done - but she was winding about a half roll of TP on her hand so she could wipe. YIKES! that would have clogged the bestest flushing toilets. Luckily I caught her just in time. We re-rolled most of the TP and used a few squares. Good save, right?!

She went down at about noon and it is 2:15 and she is still sleeping.
So take that you skeptics. I think I am doing pretty good now.


The Booth Family said...

You are an awesome Grandma!

Kevin_Amold said...

Haha! The bestest flushing toilets would have been no match for that ball.