Saturday, January 29, 2011

Loose Ends

Tying up some loose ends with a variety of topics.

Mom, don't ever get rid of your golf cart. You know it is the best entertainment you have - besides you. It is perfect for filling up your water jug, how could we maneuver through your community yard sale any other way, Billie loves to take rides - and well look at this group who enjoyed a ride at Christmas time. So don't be getting rid of it.

We have seen some very cold days this winter. Wouldn't you know it - the winter I'm trying to get a garden to grow. So it has taken a very long time to see some progress. These pictures document the plants, cold, and current growing phase. I might add that I do see a couple of pea pods trying to fill up with delicious peas. The spinach is trying to grow as well. The bad news is that we have to have our tomatoes planted by next month in order to get some fruit before they burn up in the summer heat. So what am I supposed to do? What a dilemma!

After Christmas we loaded up and drove to Utah and then Idaho. We had a particular person we had to deliver up to Rexburg for school. That was a productive trip for me. Look at the projects I finished during the trip - 6 burp cloths and 2 blanket/burp cloth sets. And yes I did take some turns driving.

We had saved some large boxes and Sadie and Lindsey did some marvelous things with them. They created a multi-room "house" to play in. They created connections and "halls" to connect them together. They also made a stand alone mailbox and Christmas tree as added features. They colored and ate and read in that house - we even had some battery lamps they took inside so they could see better. It was a real hit!

And several years ago now my mom noticed an Applebee's "sale"? They were remodeling and she stopped by and bought a stained glass hanging lamp. She knew I liked stained glass. I know we hadn't yet bought this house so I'm not sure where I thought I could put it but when she asked if I wanted it I said "You bet!" She stored it for me for a couple of years. Then I stored it for a couple of years. I'm sure she thought I forgot about it and would never use it. But we finally managed to get it installed here in our new house. It looks perfect! Thanks mom for the lamp. And thanks Doug for the install.

There are still some loose ends to tie up but they will have to wait for another day - another post.

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

WOW! I'm impressed. Yes, I had forgotten about the lamp. But it looks great there. So many projects finished. Good feeling isn't it? Sadie's little box-home. She loves doing that.