Friday, March 23, 2012


My grandson, Calvin, is so smart.  He told us all on a recent blog post that, "Shart . . bite . . you!"  He was right.  It always makes me a little nervous being in an ocean for that reason.  Sharks are big and scary.  But why should a little kid like Calvin know about sharks being scary?

So after he taught us about the dangers of sharks I had a thought pop into my mind.  I wanted to rescue Calvin from a long life of scary shark thoughts.  I remembered a soft, cuddly, furry, cute, small, friendly-looking shark around our house a long time ago.  Right away I headed downstairs to search through the deep dark recesses of the basement (that's a little scary too!).  I didn't have to look very far.  It wasn't too far back in the dark.  And voila, I found it. 

This stuffed shark has lived peacefully with us for many years.  And never once did I have to tell the kids that this  . . . . . Shark . . . bite . . . you. 

Well the next time we had a video call with our sweet little Calvin I was sure to have our nice shark on hand.  I made sure Calvin was looking at the monitor and I pulled out the shark.  He loved it and seemed glued to the screen.  (This was probably the first time I ever had his undivided attention during a video chat.)  It was a hit.  He kept asking to see the shark.  So guess what?  After determining the original owner of the nice shark was Evan - we decided that when we head up to Utah next time we are going to take the shark with us and give it to Calvin.  He deserves having a soft, cuddly, furry, cute, small, friendly-looking shark

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

Calvin can add the shark to his collection of furry toys. (Hope he doesn't get bitten)