Saturday, February 6, 2010

Posting Problems

Crazy! I took some time at the computer on Friday and wrote a new post. Then I took some more time and made a few drafts of posts I eventually wanted to make. Then I could go to the drafts and just post a new one every day. Great! Now I have a few extras to use when time is pinched. But did it work?

No, doing it this way creates posting problems. When I go to actually publish the post they show up on my blog in the order that I made them up. So the post today - RETRO - showed up below my post - Happy Birthday to Me. Great! All of them will appear to be posted on Feburary 5th. And it also seems that they will either be in alphabetical order or in order of the time I originally saved them. Rats and double darn! Foiled!

So I guess when I post one of my saved drafts I will just have to put a lame notice that I have posted something new. Then you will have to specifially look for that post. I may try to put a link to the newest post. We'll see how that works.

Anyway, I have put a new post up - RETRO. Go look at it.

But never try to outsmart a computer. They always end up getting their own way.

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