Stressed out? Yes, I have been a little stressed out. But I need to shake it off and move on. Today I'm moving on. I got a new calling at church today. I'm the new - drum roll please - Relief Society President. Getting the calling and then awaiting the official announcement had me STRESSED OUT!
You see I am fairly new in the ward. We have only been in this ward for . . . . well it has been 10 months now. But I don't know that many people. I know names. But knowing the people means so much more. I don't know too much about them - are they long time ward members or not, do they have family near by, do they have health issues or health history, are they staying for a while or leaving soon, are they happy Harriet or Pouty Pauli, do they work or stay home like me, and so much more.
My first calling in the ward lasted about 3 months. I was a Primary teacher of the 7-8 year olds. I was just getting into a good routine when they decided the first calling wasn't quite right. Then I was called to be a counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. Right away I heard comments about how the others in the presidency had been together for 2 years. They were talking like they were ready to be released - not in those words but the message was clear. I began to, well let's just say, "read the writing on the wall". So 2 Sundays ago We were asked to come on Tuesday night to meet with the Bishop. DUM, DUM, da, DUM, DUM, da, DUM, da, DUM, da, DUM (think funeral march here)!!
So I was STRESSED OUT on Monday and Tuesday while waiting for the meeting with the Bishop. Actually Tuesday things boiled over. I tried to make some good crusty bread. But it was a new recipe and new technique and that took a little longer than expected. I was supposed to have a cast iron skillet but didn't. I used a pyrex instead. BIG MISTAKE! So when I poured boiling water into the oven - the pyrex cracked into a million pieces. But I decided to continue cooking the bread.
Trouble was that the timing was now off. Our appointment was at 7:00. We needed to be home like by 7:15 or so for the bread. But that was never going to happen. I quickly read up on how to use my time bake feature. Set that up. Then we left early for the church hoping to get in and out early and quickly. Well the early part worked. But the quickly didn't. He talked a little longer than we had hoped. But when we got out of there we hurried home to find the timed bake feature did work and the bread smelled good and the house didn't burn down.
I had to let the oven cool off and the next morning I cleaned up this mess in the oven. Since then my mom found the needed cast iron skillet and bought it for me. So baking my next batch of bread will hopefully go much smoother.
After having felt like that shattered pyrex dish for - nearly 2 weeks now - it is official. I have been sustained and set apart and it is time to move on. I assume I will still feel stressed out - but it is time to jump out of the pan and into the fire. Wish me luck.
1 week ago
I hope that you will still be able to stay a while after I have the baby. You probably won't want to miss too many Sundays being the president and all. :) Congratulations!
Sounds like you are going to be busy!
Congratulations to you, Carrie. Or should I say condolences? You have had evperience and you will do a great job and now you will get to know everyone.
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