Monday, March 7, 2011


Our square foot garden experiment has mixed reviews. We tried a winter garden which under normal weather conditions should have been successful. However, we had 2 terrible cold spells - and I mean cold! All the bushes got frozen our hose froze and we took precautions to protect our water pipes - we hope the bushes and tree will revive and survive. Only time will tell.

We managed to keep the garden plants alive by covering them and putting a work light underneath to generate a little warmth. But the plants never really thrived. But finally and at long last we are getting a little production.

When Shanna posted about her orzo and spinach salad I decided to try it out. I went out to my garden and snipped some baby spinach leaves for the salad. The salad was yummy! And it even tasted better knowing the spinach had only been snipped a few hours before.

The pea plants look pretty pitiful right now but they are producing "dozens" of pods - make that "a dozen" pods. So I have harvested a few of those also. I take the peas out of the pods and freeze them. Once I get enough - I'll cook them up and hope for the best. I have about 1/4 cup right now so it looks like we'll be waiting for a very long time OR we will be satisfied with one spoonful of peas each. Either way we'll enjoy them completely.

On the Phoenix planting schedule for tomatoes - we are already way too late for them. But I am still hoping that I can get some plants and give it a try. I'll let you know if/when that happens.

So I went out today and snipped some more spinach and will cook it up for dinner.

Having finished eating dinner I can report that the spinach was super delicious! Wow!
That is all I have to say about spinach right now.


Shirl and Bill said...

Yummy....It all looks good.
Love spinach. I also tried Shanna's salad. Thing I like about tht is I can make a little at a time and so nothing goes to waste.....

lindzandrob said...

Oh that looks DELICIOUS! We will definitely be planting spinach this year...I guess we better get started on that!

becky d said...

Looks good! The pea picture was my favorite.