Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh Boy!

Oh Boy! What a day it was yesterday! It was a busy day. It was a hot day. I had loads of work to do. I had a presidency meeting to prepare for. And I ran lots of errands too.

But the Oh Boy! Yeah, that came when I received a phone call from Doug. "Have you talked to Isaac?" "No. Why?" "Well he got into a car accident."

Oh Boy! All these years of having young teenage drivers and we were with the same car insurance people. They kept raising our rates as we added drivers. Finally on September 1st we changed to another insurance company. They gave us some nice low rates. Shoot! I don't know how long the low rates will last now. Oh Boy!

"Well, he said it wasn't his fault." (That's what they all say.) "He said the other guy was getting a citation for failure to yield and they couldn't determine if the guy had a current insurance policy or not." (Great - just our luck.) "But the car is drivable and no one was hurt." (Somehow that didn't make that sick feeling in my stomach go away - AT ALL.)

We bought the Crown Victoria brand spanking new. I babied that thing for 8 years or so. If the kids needed a car that one was only given up on the rarest of occasions. I vacuumed regulary. I kept it washed and clean. When the car was fairly new I remember almost having a heart attack when Joel, Sophie's son, was coloring on the door panel with an ink pen. Another time Sophie needed a ride and came into the car with a bowl of some stinky spicy soup. What happened? She spilled it on the floor - luckily. Another near heart attack. In more recent years it has started showing its age. That seems to coincide with the kids getting more and more drive time in the Crown Vic. You can make your own conclusion but I'm convinced. Anyway, after 10 years with our beloved Crown Victoria, it has a VERY BIG OOPSIE. Oh Boy!

Luckily the above picture is NOT what our car looks like today. We were very lucky that the air bags did not deploy. We have an ugly dent that runs down both driver side doors and into the back wheel panel. Don't know what will happen as far a repair and insurance goes. I guess we'll keep you posted.

Oh Boy!


Shirl and Bill said...

Wow! When I saw the first pictures I thought it was the CV.
Could have been worse but too bad to bad anyway.

Lckevan said...

Dang! Of course it had to happen right after you switched insurance. I'm glad it wasn't too bad.

becky d said...

Oh, I should have read this blog first to know what I was waiting for in the next blog.
Good job putting the crash pictures first - it totally grabbed me in and kept me interested. I'm glad that wasn't your car! Phew!!!