Sunday, November 14, 2010

Water Bottles

Why is it that whenever I need a cold water bottle to take with me there aren't any in the fridge? Sometimes I find a water bottle with a measly inch of water in it. DOH! I can't tell you how much time I spend filling up water bottles and putting them in the fridge. Then why can't I find one when I need one?

Well I asked those who live in this house the same question all the time. "Where are all the water bottles?" Who left this swallow of water in this bottle and put it back in the fridge?" "Did you use a water bottle?" All of the answers are the same: NOT ME. NO I DID NOT. I ALWAYS FILL THEM UP AFTER I TAKE A DRINK. The answers go on and on. I believed everyone (NOT) so I thought we had a couple of "Not Me"s living here.

Well now I have solved the mystery - mostly. I did a sweep of the house. I checked all the rooms in the house. And guess what I found? A stash of empty and partially empty water bottles in two particular bedrooms.

First - Isaac's room

There were water bottles everywhere. On the bed, under the bed, and in his closet. They were empty and partial, standing and sitting up, crushed and in tact. Here is the collection of bottles that I recovered from Isaac's room.

Second - Scott's room
I was pleasantly surprised to find that there weren't any water bottles in Scott's room. Good.

Third - Downstairs bedroom (Scott had stayed there while the Selin's were here)
I found several down in this bedroom. Not as many as Isaac had in his room but then again he was only down there for about 4 days. So he would probably be in a close competition with Isaac had he spent more time down there.

I am sure if I inspected the vehicles that the above guilty parties drive around I would find the rest of our missing water bottles. But I have not done that yet - why? Because the caches that I found in the house were plenty to keep us stocked up in water bottles for quite a while. But raiding the cars will come eventually.
So now my water bottle mystery is solved. Hopefully this photographic evidence will shame Isaac and Scott into better water bottle etiquette - if not we're going to double their rent.


Shirl and Bill said...

Ha ha ha....I have no one to blame here......yo Billie, did you leave that bottle on the table last wednesday? Oh, that's right, Scott was here?????????

evans said...

It's easy to double zero.

Lckevan said...

I have that problem too...although a lot of times, when I go on a water bottle hunt, I find them all next to my own bed...oops. I guess I'm the culprit. :)