Monday, August 23, 2010

Tennis Sisters

Let's see, how did this all start? Oh yes, I remember.

I have been doing fitness/aerobics at Glendale Community College for several years now. I think I started while Lindsey was in high school. Doesn't really matter. But anyway, one semester they offered a class called tennis aerobics. I wanted to try that but first I needed a tennis racquet. I really only played in high school during PE class so I didn't have much experience. But I was assured I would be fine.

The lady that led the class was Sister Winters. She is LDS and I remember her from the stake when I was a youth. Anyway, I did fine in the class and quite enjoyed it. Sister Winters was chatty and we learned a lot about her and her family. One thing was that she was getting ready to serve a mission with her husband. She was in a group that played tennis on Tuesdays at the Paseo Racquet Club. And that she would need a replacement when she left for her mission. Then she asked me to fill her spot.

I decided to try it. And eventually I just became a regular part of the group. At first I think they would have loved to get someone else to play. Most of the ladies were at least 10 years older than me. I wasn't really as good as they were. These ladies were life timers. There were a couple of ladies in particular who really hated playing with me or against me. I could feel the cold shoulders. But they never did find anyone else who would commit to the spot so I stayed on.

That is how it started. Now I am a lot better than I used to be. I still have a long way to go. These ladies can place the ball on a dime, they can see the holes in the court and put them there every time, they also know a lot about strategy and angles and percentages so they really understand the game. As for me - I like to play and that's that.

Anyway, one of my tennis sisters, Joy, had her great granddaughter (yes, great granddaughter) stay with her this summer. Her name is Jada. She is 8 years old and she is from Virginia. She has been to tennis every Tuesday morning for about 8 weeks or so. She has been fun to have around and she loves the attention she gets.

One day I had Isaac catch a scorpion and put it in a jar for me. I took it to tennis to show Jada what a real scorpion looked like. She loved it and looked at it and shook it and got creeped out by it.

But last week was Jada's last week in town. So I brought a camera and we took some group pictures. I took the one with Jada in it. Then she took the one with just us ladies in it. So I am sharing those pictures with you all.

(Great grandma Joy is in the yellow tie-dyed top and yellow skirt with matching visor.)

Most of you thought I only had 2 sisters.
But I have about 10 tennis sisters too.

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

What a great blog. You DO have many sisters.....